Pelvic Factor

Normal Events

Pelvic Factor Detection

Pelvic Abnormalities

Clinical Evaluation

Treatment Options

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Dr Eric Daiter is a nationally recognized expert in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility who has proudly served patients at his office in New Jersey for 20 years. If you have questions or you just want to find a caring infertility specialist, Dr Eric Daiter would be happy to help you (in the office or on the telephone). It is easy, just call us at 908 226 0250 to set up an appointment (leave a message with your name and number if we are unable to get to the phone and someone will call you back).


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New Jersey Center for Fertility and Reproductive Medicine Video Website

The New Jersey Center for Fertility and Reproductive Medicine and Dr. Eric Daiter review current information on pelvic factor infertility for this website.

Pelvic factor infertility is used here to refer to any structural (mechanical) abnormality that reduces the ability of a mature fertilization capable sperm and a mature fertilization capable egg from meeting and joining to develop into a normal pregnancy.

Normal sperm produced in the testes can have difficulty being released within semen during intercourse due to structural blockages within the male outflow tract. Mature eggs produced by the ovaries can have difficulty being released from the ovary or captured by the fallopian tube due to structural abnormalities of the pelvis. A normally developing fertilized egg (pre-implantation embryo) within the fallopian tube can implant within the fallopian tube (resulting in an ectopic pregnancy) or fail to implant at all within the uterine cavity due to structural problems in these anatomical regions. Once the pre-implantation embryo hatches from its shell (zona pellucida), adheres to the uterine endometrial lining, and implants to develop a communication with the mother�s circulatory system (blood vessels) then it is possible for a normal pregnancy to grow.

Pelvic factor infertility represents the primary cause for up to one third of infertility and a contributing cause in up to one half of infertility within my (Eric Daiter, MD) infertility practice. Diagnosis of pelvic factor infertility is often possible with simple noninvasive tests but minimally invasive advanced operative hysteroscopy and advanced operative laparoscopy may be required for treatment (and diagnosis if endometriosis or mild to moderate pelvic adhesions are involved).

Dr. Eric Daiter and The New Jersey Center for Fertility and Reproductive Medicine encourage the viewer to explore the contents of this site, which reviews the normal events that occur during fertilization and implantation, clinically useful diagnostic tests to detect pelvic factor infertility, the range of pelvic abnormalities that can result in reduced or absent fertility, and treatment options for couples with a pelvic factor infertility problem.

The information within these tutorials is intended to be solely educational. The knowledge and competence that the viewer may expect to develop within the complex medical field of infertility is not a substitute for the medical education that physicians obtain during their medical curriculum and training.

With this in mind, many couples are able to effectively use the knowledge that they gain about human reproduction to guide them through the difficult (and often expensive) process of obtaining medical (infertility) care.

Consumers' Research Council of America adds Dr. Eric Daiter to their list of America's Top Obstetricians and Gynecologists

Dr. Eric Daiter has been chosen by the Consumers' Research Council of America to be listed in their Guide to America's Top Obstetricians and Gynecologists for 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011. For more information on this organization visit Consumers' Research Council of America.

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The NJ Center for Fertility and Reproductive Medicine